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A New Threat Fallout 4

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Modders ‘Mathew1800' and ‘thisisnamelesst' have released a new version of their Fallout New Empiria mod for Fallout 4. Fallout New Empiria promises to add two new worldspaces, plenty of new interiors, seven vendors, two possible player homes, a companion and plenty of secrets/eastereggs.

New Empiria is said to be a large city found buried in the sand dunes of Western Australia and in order to visit the city, players can get a boat from croup manor's dock or alternatively type 'COC DocksEmpiria' into the console.

'Following the great resource wars Europe was left in utter chaos. Many fled the ruins to find somewhere new to live despite the devastation that would soon ensue. Many citizens fled to the lands of the British commonwealth. Australia, welcomed these citizens in a bid to build a fighting populace should the eyes of China turn to them. New Empiria was built to house these refugees (funded by the remnants of the British elite who fled long before Europe was left in ruins).

When the bombs finally fell New Empiria was buried under a sky of sand which, through the immense heat, turned to glass. Centuries later the Western part of the city (which was not buried under sand) was repopulated by wondering Australian survivors. However lurking in the Deep city ruins are hoards of frenzied fanatics that impose a threat to the new settlers.'

A New Threat: Ada is bugged I can't progress in A New Threat, Ada is bugged and I can't install the mod on her to progress the quest. I know the fix is to shoot her til she's downed, then repair her with a robot repair kit, problem is if I do this she turns hostile along with everyone else in. So like everyone else I had thre same problem that everyone else is having with 'search Robobrain' part of the quest. I think it has something to do with Ada being customized before you are asked by her to build the work bench. So i reloaded a save from before I started the dlc grabbed Ada and ran straite into general atomics and killed robobrain. I was able to grab the item and the quest.


Do note that this unofficial expansion is still in early phase, meaning that players cannot built settlements in the new world spaces with the mod Conquest. If you attempt to turn a campsite into a settlement there your game will crash. Furthermore, there are no quests yet however a plot has already been thought out.

Fallout: Miami is an upcoming DLC-sized mod for Fallout 4 with an original setting, complete with its own engrossing main quest, interesting side quests and characters, including new companions. The central theme of our story is the struggle between order and freedom.

'In the finished version of the mod the sole survivor will sign up to work as a private detective to investigate a series of murders across the city. In the investigation the sole survivor will unravel a plot involving the new settlers, the commonwealth remnants and a fanatical cult calling themselves 'the buried'. Beach head 2000 windows 7. Through the sole survivor's investigation, they will encounter difficult decisions as different factions struggle for power over the city.'

Ultraman iso. Those interested can download the mod from here.

John Papadopoulos

Fallout 4 A New Threat Speak To Ada

John is the founder and Editor in Chief at DSOGaming. He is a PC gaming fan and highly supports the modding and indie communities.Before creating DSOGaming, John worked on numerous gaming websites. While he is a die-hard PC gamer, his gaming roots can be found on consoles. John loved - and still does - the 16-bit consoles, and considers SNES to be one of the best consoles. Still, the PC platform won him over consoles. That was mainly due to 3DFX and its iconic dedicated 3D accelerator graphics card, Voodoo 2. John has also written a higher degree thesis on the 'The Evolution of PC graphics cards.' Contact: Email

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